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Innovative Thinking

Focus on Training to Solve the Skills Gap in Manufacturing

Pittsburgh was once as renowned for pollution as it was for industry and manufacturing. Decades after the Smoky City cleaned up its act and became a modern pillar of education, healthcare, technology, and finance, many people still associate Pittsburgh with a coal-gray haze.

Now manufacturing itself has undergone a millennial renaissance, yet it still carries a bad reputation as dirty and dangerous work.

But like Pittsburgh, the nature of industry has changed.

Debunking Common Internet of Things Myths

The excitement and thrill regardingInternet of Things (IoT), Smart-Factory and Industry 4.0 keeps on sky-rocketing, especially as more manufacturers start embracing these concepts. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIot) is based on forming connections between sensors and equipment, and manipulating the data collected as basis for intelligent decisions. This data alone is then responsible for insights, trends, predictions, etc. that can help organizations boost their productivity.

IIoT & Robotics on the Plant Floor

Data has always been there around us; it’s only a matter of harnessing it that makes all the difference. The Industrial Internet of Things is poised to revolutionize manufacturing by arming devices with data and connecting them to a centralized system. In theory, this would enable them to do anything from providing in-depth data, learning machine’s workings and optimizing operations.

Keep Your Motor Dry in Damp Environments

Along with heat, dust and poor lubrication, moisture is one of the leading causes of motor failure. Compared to installations in dry areas, electric motors get an instant slump in their operating lives as soon as they’re set-up in a damp area. For instance, when a warm motor shuts down, it sucks in cool air, which naturally would contain moisture due to the location. This leads to condensation droplets that are absorbed by the insulation, leading to corrosion of the windings. Furthermore, motors that are operated intermittently are at greater risk since they can accumulate moisture and with the passage of time deteriorate a motor’s operational life.

Best Practices for Implementing Automation

Automation isn’t a desire, it’s a need of the hour. Every plant operations manager is aware of this need and the impact it has on the overall safety, reliability and economic efficiency. Still, companies are sometimes suspicious of adopting such technologies as the risk for failure is significant while the margin of error near to zero. This is especially true in large-scale industries where even a single hour of downtime due to delayed or malfunctioned automation can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of losses.

Financial Benefits of Combing Automation & Safety Projects

Dedicated departments for engineering, environment, health and safety can be found in almost every mid to large sized manufacturing company. These departments have little collective knowledge-pool and coherence, since traditionally their KPIs have very little overlapping. For instance, engineers continuously work with operations to improve productivity & efficiency of the equipment, while safety professionals analyze & reduce risks. Therefore, it’s very rare for the two departments to cross paths. However, this attitude has to change if an enterprise wants to keep itself at par with the competition and adjust according to the latest market trends.

Get Integrated HMI Hardware & Software, but Take Notice of These Cautions

There’s no single way to do something right. Instead there are multiple paths of which the most suitable one must be chosen according to the situation. HMIs play a vital role in driving the industrial bandwagon, providing us with monitoring, control & automation capabilities. When working with HMIs, there are a few factors that you should be particularly careful about. All of these have been discussed in detail below.

Five Ways That Can Advance Robotics in Manufacturing

Despite the string of advancements in the field of automation, robotics remains a relatively young field, holding promises that would take years to mature on a large-scale. The success of robots however has sparked interest of several businesses, and many have started migrating towards this technology.

The Growth of Industrial Robotics: FANUC on the Rise

It’s strange how so many of us accept the existence of robots and the role they play in our life, but so little of us actually know about the brains behind such technology. FANUC is one of those companies that has its hands in everything, but is almost never publicly recognized for it. FANUC is the world’s largest maker of industrial robots, and has over 400,000 machines dedicated to this task.

The Effective System Integrator

At one point or another, a manufacturing company looking to automate their systems would require the services of a System Integrator (SI). Knowing about the traits and practices of a good System Integrator can go a long way, and help build a system that pays itself off with the passage of time.