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Innovative Thinking

Michelle Szemanski

Recent Posts

Improving Production at the Employee Level

New technology in production management has begun to revolutionize the production industry. The implementation of this technology is relatively simple. You simply pay a company to code and install whatever tracking system you decide to go with. The bigger issue with the implementation is getting your employees to use a new system and keep up with it. It requires them to change their habits as well as get new training in some cases. How can you help motivate your employees to change to the new procedures so you can see benefits in the long run?

Revisiting Automation: The Big Picture

When do you turn to an automation solutions company — when your current automation system fails?

Many companies regard automation systems with the bare minimum of concern, only closely examining a system when something breaks. Efficiency gets reduced to making equipment run for as long as possible with as little maintenance and attention — and therefore cost — as possible. So when an automation system breaks down, companies often replace the broken pieces with slightly newer parts that function the exact same way.