Premier Automation Blog

Revisiting Automation: The Big Picture

Written by Michelle Szemanski | Jun 20, 2016 7:28:11 PM

When do you turn to an automation solutions company — when your current automation system fails?

Many companies regard automation systems with the bare minimum of concern, only closely examining a system when something breaks. Efficiency gets reduced to making equipment run for as long as possible with as little maintenance and attention — and therefore cost — as possible. So when an automation system breaks down, companies often replace the broken pieces with slightly newer parts that function the exact same way.

Meanwhile, automation’s possibilities are growing exponentially with every passing year, unnoticed by manufacturers that don’t see more evaluative system overhauls as part of a viable business strategy.

The hesitation isn’t entirely without merit. Initial costs are a serious concern, and it’s intimidating to throw out what works — even if it doesn’t work all that well — to take a chance on unfamiliar technology. But the true benefits outweigh the costs. A modernized automation system can provide incredible returns over time in comparison to extensions of technology designed 20, 30, even 40 years ago.

Take a look at just a few of the major advances and new technologies rising in the automation industry:

It’s always useful to step back and evaluate a facility’s automation systems before something goes wrong. Almost every facet of the automation industry now offers solutions that weren’t possible in near history, and many of those automation solutions are ultimately more cost effective than the sticker price.

And it’s also not as tough to identify the best upgrade or conversion opportunities as you might think. It helps to have an experienced team of professionals on your side. Premier Automation can easily retrofit or repair legacy equipment, but our engineers also design cutting edge automation solutions for clients in almost every major manufacturing industry.

Schedule a visit, and one of our experts will visit your facility for a comprehensive evaluation.